So last week poor Jakie broke out in sores all over his mouth, along with a fever (a result of the sores), and 2 ear infections. He didn't eat for about 4 days and the little guy lost weight he couldn't afford to lose! Anyway, once our friend who is a dentist looked at Jake's gums and told us what was going on, all we could do was wait for it to go away in 10 days and buy numbing gel to put in his mouth so he could actually eat. Well, my dearest husband decided to take the clear numbing gel and completely coated my Sonicare when I wasn't looking. The next morning when I brushed my teeth, my WHOLE mouth, tongue, lips were completely numb! I was freaking out, but it went away in about 10 minutes. I told Mike later when he got home what happened and he just died laughing. Punk.......don't worry, he'll get what's coming to him. If any of you have suggestions, please share! :-)
I made the above Frapp bottles for the boys' primary and nursery leaders. They took forever to make and I was so glad when they were done! A girl in our ward made these last year for Halloween and they were so cute, I tried to make some for Easter. I hope the teachers enjoyed them....Mike was so worried everyone would think I actually drink the Starbucks Frappucino! But don't worry, they were cheap with sales and coupons and I dumped them and washed them out.
Saturday night during the Priesthood session Jessica and I went to John and Claudia's to eat pizza, hang out, and color easter eggs! Once we got going, we to took the boys' clothes off so they wouldn't stain. It might seem like it, but I don't always let me kids stay naked! :-) The boys had so much fun watching the eggs change colors and then putting stickers on them when they were done.
I love fair week. I don't love the prices, but I think it's worth the sacrifice for the kids and for the fact that you just feel like a kid when you're there! We went on our own this year with the boys and had a blast. It was the perfect family night out! We first let Connor go down the big slide. This is his favorite and is where most of our tickets went! We then ate Kamman sausages, went to the petting zoo (my favorite part, I was laughing my head off in there!), rode the ferris wheel, got some kettle corn, went down the big slide a couple more times, and let Connor ride the "train", which was actually a rocket (but don't tell him that!). Connor was so excited he got to be the caboose on the train! It scared him at first how fast it went, but loved it after the first couple seconds. I didn't find out until a couple days later that there was a whole kiddie section we missed! Oh well, we still had a blast!