CAUTION: Under Construction Party!!!!

Posted by Alyssa

Connor is obsessed with tractors and construction trucks. So, of course for his birthday that's what we had: a construction party! Here's all the kids except Addison Smith, who just barely got cut out of the picture on the right.

Here's Miss Addison playing the ring toss.Brandon Adams throwing the bean bags into the truck.
Laura Smith trying to help the kids hammer the nails into the wood. Little did I know the wood was supposed to be on concrete because the grass just absorbed the shock. So, after all these poor kids hammered, we didn't get a single nail down. But they did have fun using a hammer!

Grandma Lines gave this airplane to him and he actually went to sleep with it that night- I figured it's his birthday, why not? Like his Kool-Aid mustache?
The kids liked playing in the sandbox....a lot. And I was actually impressed because none of them ended up covered in dirt (like Connor and Jake do almost every day)!

I think I have the world's best mom. I don't know what I would do without her and all her help!
I've decided this is Connor's future wife. She's such a cutie pie!!
My little happy camper, like always-he had a blast chasing all the older kids around!
Connor got a lot of help opening his presents!
Whenever Connor plays at Brandon's house, this is their favorite thing to do-shoot Nerf guns, so naturally that's what Brandon got him-his first Nerf gun! Waiting for us to stop singing so he can blow out his candle! His "cake" was a dump truck with chunks of brownies piled to look like dirt. We had a blast as always because both Connor and I were surrounded with friends and family!
Since Connor's big party wasn't actually on his birthday, here's his little family celebration we did on his actual birthday.
He got some trucks, which we used to play with in the sandbox (I got them all 75% off at the end-of-summer clearances!)
A little about our Connor boy: he has energy like none other! He's not bouncing off the walls or crazy, he just loves to play and play and play. He rarely walks because he's got things to do and places to go! He still loves to take everything apart and figure out how it all works. He loves all things boy: trucks, trains, guns, dogs, dirt, water, bubbles, etc. His favorite person in the world is still Grandma Colvin and gets very jealous when she pays attention to Jake. His favorite songs are his ABC's, Popcorn Popping, and the Wheels on the Bus. He's very social and when meeting new kids automatically goes up and says "Hi, I'm Connor, wanna play?" He's growing like a weed and is almost too big for his 3T shorts! He's my mini-Mike to a T and we love him dearly!!!