Kid updates....

Posted by Alyssa

Because I'm incredibly cheap, I don't have the internet-except through Mike's Droid phone when he tethers it for free to our computer. So, I don't have as much leisure time on the internet as I used to, which has turned out to be a blessing since I only do those things I need to and then get off. So, blogging these days are rare occasions! Right now its a holiday, which means I get Mike's phone around most of the day! The kids are sleeping, my house is clean, and its one of those rare moments I can just sit and blog white eating my beloved mint oreos! Its times like these when I look back at pictures I've taken lately that I realize how fast time flies! I can't believe our little Clarabelle is already 6 months! She is the sweetest and happiest baby and we all just love her to pieces. Jake turns 3 next month and then Connor turns 5 in September! So here are some recent pictures of our kids!

Clara is so lucky to have 2 brothers that adore her so much!

Brotherly love.....sometimes!

No matter what time of day it is-my kids love getting in the bath at Grandma Colvins!
Love this one! She looks just like I did when I was a baby here!

When she smiles, she smiles with her whole body!

Don't you just want to squeeze her fat little cheeks!

My two little monsters...........growing up so fast!


Linsey F said...

Your kids are getting so big! All 3 of them are adorable! I love that they have to take a bath at Grandmas house. Mine are the same way. If we are going to Grandma Beth's, we have to bring jammies so they can take a bath! lol