This Saturday my sister-in-law Shannon and my dear friend Briauna threw me a baby shower for our little Clara and Shammy hosted it in her beautiful home. Because of Clara's name, Shannon did a gorgeous Sugar Plum Fairies theme from the Nutcracker. There was glitter, sparkles, fairies, pink, gold, silver, and purple shades everywhere. It looked like a spread from a magazine-I swear this lady is so talented she could make a business of throwing parties! There was a ton of desserts-each gorgeous and delicious! Bri had a few hilarious games that we played. The first was a sugar and spice smelling game. The other was the first couple pics where 3 girls were blindfolded and had to get ready in the dark and cold to go to the hospital and put on everything in their bags-ranging from bright pink lipstick, pantyhose, jewelry, hair clips, body spray, scarves, nursing pads, slippers, etc. all with a huge pillow under their shirts. My favorite part was watching them try and put their pantyhoses on and nursing pads in!
If you know these boys very well, you know their costumes fit them to a T! Connor lives and breathes trains and Jake is just our little monkey! Mike made Connor's train costume by spraying foam on a cardboard box, cutting out the train shape and then painted it. Add a conductor's hat and train whistle and the boy was in heaven! Mike told me he didn't want to spend any money on costumes this year, so I made him do the work! :-) I did spend $6 on Jake's costume only because I found it 90% off and its so stinking cuter in person! I love his little blonde curls that kept poking out!
One nice thing about this rental house is that the desert is right in our backyard. Mike borrowed his dad's Ranger, loaded up the boys' carseats, and took them 4-wheeling out in the desert. After an hour I started getting worried and called Mike to see where they were. They cruised all the way to David and Shannon's house on the next exit East! Boys and their toys, what can I say.
For those of you who know Mike, you know how much he loves dry ice. He's the expert of dry ice bombs. Well, he found a tiny wart and of course what does he need? A huge piece of dry ice! So, the boys had some fun with it the rest of the night. He tried to make a bomb, but luckily the ice evaporated too soon.
On August 7th our little Jakie boy turned 2! Where does time go?!? I decided to go with a Candyland theme and had a blast putting the party together! We had lots of fun hanging out with loved ones, swimming, eating good food, and of course eating lots of candy from the candy bar! My first cake fell apart while I started trying to make it, so this is my last minute "candyland" cake.
I'm not a big fan of all. I absolutely hate the heat and stay inside as much as I can most days. But when there's a rare day of weather you'll find us outside. This slip and slide was the best $2 I've ever spent! They had a blast and Mike and I died laughing watching them run and slip and slide all over the place. It's these rare moments that I enjoy summer!
For family home evening yesterday we went to the wash with our friends the Stuarts. It was a GORGEOUS day and we were the only ones there! Everyone had a blast on the jet ski's, especially our big boys (AKA Clint and Mike). We grilled some burgers and hot dogs and enjoyed good company. It doesn't get any better than this!
Here's the big announcement (if you haven't read it on facebook yet ;-0) we're having another baby! #3 here we come! I'm almost 9 weeks and now am feeling great. I don't really get sick, just super super tired. The poor boys have been so good lately playing around me while I lay on the floor or couch too tired to move. Connor loves the fact that there's a "little baby" in my belly and always asks me, "Is the baby smiling?" "Is the baby hungry?" They're going to be such good big brothers to this new little one! Some days I wonder what in the world I'm thinking but then I have to remember, once you start having kids, you can't stop till the time's right! Jake and this little one will be 2 1/2 years apart, which we think is perfect. I'm due Jan 1st and we can't wait to find out what it is. I'm itching to enter the baby girl section, but will be perfectly happy with another little boy! I love my boys!
So, here's some pictures of my boys I love so much! The other weekend we took them to dinner and went down by the river to see the old train that's by the Hilton. If you know Connor, you know he's OBSESSED with trains and he was in heaven. We then walked along the river and saw a ton of different parties: we stuck out a lot-we were the only ones in clothes and white skin! It was a perfect evening together!
I took the boys to the park today. We got there at 10:30 and only lasted till 11. It was so stinking hot already! But we did get in some golfing and ate some lunch. This golf set has a yellow thing you hit the balls into, but Connor didn't want to use that. He just kept walking around saying, "where's all the holes? Where's the holes you put the balls in?" After a while he gave up looking for the real golf holes and went on the swing set. Next time we go to the park its going to be in the morning!